Sunday, April 1, 2012

Policing Food Labels

The latest Federal Budget brought down by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, gives companies license to deceive consumers with their food labels.

In the past companies were held to a standard by which if they were caught lying to consumers on their food labels, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency had the mandate to step in and protect Canadians.

The mandate to monitor and enforce health and nutrition labels has been taken from the CFIA because of a $56.1 million budget cut.

What this means for consumers is that they need to wary of the accuracy of food labels. It is especially important for diabetics who need to watch their sugar intake. For those with high blood pressure who need to reduce their sodium intake will be affected as well. If the claims on the label sound to good to be true then they probably are!

The CFIA had the mandate to monitor food labels because companies were blatantly deceiving consumers. What makes us think that these companies will be honest now?

The lack of government policing food labels seems to be a step in the wrong direction.