Monday, December 17, 2012

Food for Thought

Eating healthy is something everyone in the world deals with. The poor drought stricken people in Africa scrounge to find anything edible and the wealthy West try to wade through all the abundant choices to find something healthy to eat.

Did you know that Canada has more donut shops per capita than the US?

Did you know that Canadians eat more Kraft dinner per capita than any other country in the world?

We have an ashamedly great amount of food choices in this country. Lets make the right healthy choices. Avoid the over processed junk food.

Water for Good Health

During the holiday season people are so consumed with eating that they often forget to drink enough water.

Lots of water helps reduce the effects of alcohol. A good rule of thumb is to have a glass of water after every glass or shot of alcohol. This helps dilute the alcohol, helps fill you up and rehydrates your body whereas alcohol dehydrates your body.

Constipation is often caused by not enough water. A dry bowel does not pass feces well. The result is bloating and constipation.

Drink 2 litres of water each day and feel great for it.

For the Love of Chocolate

At this festive time of year chocolate is often the gift of choice.

Did you know that according to medical research eating chocolate 3 times per month helps people to live longer? This is in contrast to people who over eat chocolate or don't eat chocolate at all.

Chocolate is good for you if eaten in moderation. Enjoy.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Got a Headache?

Your headache and inflammatory pain can be reduced by eating 20 tart cherries.

Keep Our Ground Water Safe

With the chance of building a pipeline going from Alberta through BC to the west coast, our ground water safety is threatened. No one can guarantee that there will be no oil spill. When an oil spill happens everything above ground and under ground is poisoned!

About 30% of Canadians rely on ground water for their domestic needs.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tips For Healthy Living

Here are some basic tips for healthy living.  With our busy lifestyles we all can lose focus on what really matters the most. Our good health is something that can suffer yet is of utmost importance.

  • Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Try to keep your mind free of worries during this time. If you like you can meditate on pleasant things.
  • Do moderate exercise at least 3 times a week. Walking, running stairs, jogging, cycling and swimming are just a few examples. People who do moderate exercise lower their risk of cardiovascular disease compared to inactive people.
  • Check your posture. Don't slouch. good posture allows your internal organs to function better and helps prevent neck and back pain.
  • Eat out less often. Learn to prepare and eat a variety of different healthy foods. Take a cooking class to help you learn how to cook.
  • For snacking keep a see-through container of cut-up vegetables in the refrigerator.
  • Don't snack a night. If you need to eat something choose fresh vegetables or fruits.
  • Strategies to help reduce stress include: aerobic exercise, plenty of sleep, deep breathing and meditating.
  • Choose nuts as a snack. Use nuts to replace meat or poultry in your menu, not in addition to these items.
  • Try eating half the food on your plate while eating out and bring the other half home for later consumption.
  • When you work out, don't drink caffeinated beverages, as they can dehydrate you. Be aware that some Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine. 
These tips for healthy living are in random order but are geared toward guiding us in taking better care of ourselves. I'll be adding more of these tips for healthy living in future posts.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Health Benefits of Seafood

Seafood is known for it's healthy oils which are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Seafood is typically low in fat and high in nutrients.

A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fish and shellfish can contribute to great heart health and children's growth and development.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Policing Food Labels

The latest Federal Budget brought down by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, gives companies license to deceive consumers with their food labels.

In the past companies were held to a standard by which if they were caught lying to consumers on their food labels, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency had the mandate to step in and protect Canadians.

The mandate to monitor and enforce health and nutrition labels has been taken from the CFIA because of a $56.1 million budget cut.

What this means for consumers is that they need to wary of the accuracy of food labels. It is especially important for diabetics who need to watch their sugar intake. For those with high blood pressure who need to reduce their sodium intake will be affected as well. If the claims on the label sound to good to be true then they probably are!

The CFIA had the mandate to monitor food labels because companies were blatantly deceiving consumers. What makes us think that these companies will be honest now?

The lack of government policing food labels seems to be a step in the wrong direction.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Walking is good for you

Did you know that by walking just an extra 20 minutes a day you can burn off 7 pounds of fat in one year. Now this is "extra" walking over and above what you are already doing.

Walking is low impact to your body which most of us can handle. Besides the weight loss you'll be able to de-stress and enjoy some fresh air.

Go ahead, take a walk!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Benefits of the Banana

The following information on the benefits of the banana was taken from

Reducing Depression
Bananas contain tryptophan, an aminoacid that can be converted to serotonin, leading
to improved mood

Bananas are relatively high in iron, which helps the body’s hemoglobin function

Constipation and Diarrhea
Due to their content in fiber, they help restore a normal bowel function. In
addition, diarrhea usually depletes your body of important electrolytes (of which the
most important is potassium, contained in high amounts in bananas). They also contain
pectin, a soluble fiber (hydrocolloid) that can help normalize movement through the
digestive tract.

Eyesight Protection
Research published in the Archives of Ophthalmology has proven that adults
consuming at least 3 servings of fruit per day have a reduced risk (by 36%) of developing
age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older
adults, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily.

Healthy Bones
Bananas are an exceptionally rich source of fructooligosaccharide, a compound
that nourishes probiotic (friendly) bacteria in the colon. These beneficial bacteria
produce enzymes that increase our digestive ability and protect us from unhealthy
bacteria infections. Thanks to fructooligosaccharides, probiotic bacteria can increase
both in number and functionality, increasing our body’s ability to absorb calcium.
In addition, green bananas contain indigestible short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are
very nutrient to the cells that make up the mucosa of the stomach. These cells, when
healthy, absorb calcium much more efficiently

Healthy Kidney
About 190,000 cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed each year.
Research published in the International Journal of Cancer has shown that daily
consumption of whole fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, is highly protective to
kidney health. The results show that, over a long timeframe (13.4 years), women eating
more than 2.5 servings of fruits and vegetable per day cut their risk of kidney cancer by
40%. Among the fruits, bananas were especially protective. Women eating bananas four to
six times a week halved their risk of developing the disease compared to those who did
not eat this fruit. The conclusion of the study is that frequent consumption of fruits
and vegetables, especially bananas, cabbage and root vegetables, may reduce risk of
kidney cancer. This is because bananas and many root vegetables contain especially high
amounts of antioxidant phenolic compounds, while cabbage is rich in sulfur, necessary for
effective detoxification of potential carcinogens.

Blood Pressure
Bananas are extremely high in potassium (about 4673mg), yet very low in sodium (1mg),
thus having a perfect ratio for preventing high blood pressure. So much so, the US Food
and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for
the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn,
try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness
Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood-sugar levels up and avoid
morning sickness.

Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. They contain vitamins B6 and
B12 they contain, as well as potassium and magnesium: these substances help the body
recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

This is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicle
cases. It also helps reduce acidity and reduces irritation. Bananas stimulate the cells
on the internal stomach lining to produce a thicker mucus (which protects against acid).
Additionally, bananas contain protease inhibitors that help eliminate bacteria in
the stomach that have been pinpointed as a primary cause of ulcers.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that have been shows to improve nerve function.

Mosquito Bites
Many people report that rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite is
very effective in reducing itching and swelling.

Stress Relief
Bananas are high in potassium, which helps normalize the hearthbeat and regulate the
body’s water balance. During periods of high stress, our body’s potassium levels tend to
be rapidly depleted: eating bananas is a healthy way to rebalance them without using

Stroke Risk
According to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas as part
of a regular diet can reduce the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%

Happiness is eating a Banana

With our gloomy grey rainy weather here in Vancouver, we can start to feel a little depressed. Can you relate?

Instead of looking for a "tablet" to bring you out of a depressed ugly weather induced funk, think Banana.

Bananas contain a natural chemical which can make a person happy. This same chemical is found in the drug PROZAC. Prozac is often prescribed to treat depression.

So when you're feeling down, have a banana.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Health Equipment RECALLED

Please read the following. It's scary.

«Top News

Consumer Reports taps ire over bad medical devices
Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:16pm GMT

By Debra Sherman

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Consumer Reports, the 76-year-old publication best known for its reviews of automobiles and refrigerators, is trying to galvanize the American public into protesting the way medical devices are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The past couple of years have seen a steady drumbeat of concerns by some lawmakers that health regulators are doing too little to protect consumers from hastily approved devices that can cause injury or even death.

It's a nightmare scenario," Consumer Reports President Jim Guest wrote in an email blast to 1 million Americans earlier this year. “The implant that fixed your knee or your heart may actually be a ticking time bomb that could disable or kill you.

This isn't science fiction. Millions of medical devices including artificial hips, contact lens solution, heart stents, and pacemakers are being recalled -- 700 different products a year. And the vast majority of recalled products were never safety tested in humans, because the manufacturers claimed they were 'similar' to products already on the market," he wrote.

For decades, certain devices have been cleared by the FDA without the manufacturers ever having to test them in human beings in clinical trials, which take time and money.

The fast-track approval process is known in the industry as Pre-market Notification, or 510(k), named for the numbered section of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

Intended for low- and moderate-risk medical devices, such as blood pressure cuffs and hypodermic needles, too many high-risk devices, such as hip implants and heart valves, were cleared through the 510(k) process and later found to cause life-threatening incidents, according to Guest.

Consumer Reports, an independent nonprofit, publishes a monthly magazine, as well as newsletters focusing on health, money, travel, home and garden, weddings and other topics.

It has a total of 8 million subscribers to all of its publications and 800,000 for its On Health monthly newsletter, which was established in 1989. On Health maintains its own medical experts, but sometimes taps outside physicians.

Consumer Reports' advocacy arm, Consumers Union, would not disclose how much money it is spending on efforts to change the medical device approval process, but says its campaign is a top priority. The campaign was launched late last year at its annual Patient Safety Summit.

The Institute of Medicine, a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that provides medical advice to policy makers and the public, characterized the 510(k) approval process as “fatally flawed" and said it should be scrapped.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Can you hear me now?

My father celebrated his 100th birthday this year. With all the loud noises he's experienced in his life he needs a hearing aid. Actually most of his hearing loss happened while working at a sawmill.
Back in his time many people worked in factories, today this has changed through technology, but hearing loss still remains high.
With the advent if the inconspicuous earbud people walk around with them on like they're necessary for life. Problem though is that the high volume played through those earbuds is causing hearing loss.
Users of earbuds should keep the volume to 60% and at most 75%. this will limit hearing loss. The iPhone at full volume can produce some 100 decibels. Therefore keep your volume down and keep your hearing for the rest of your life!

Friday, February 10, 2012


According to the 2010 statistics there are 6 million smokers in Canada. Smoking has slowly been on the decline since 1965 when anti smoking programs were put in place.
Vancouver has instituted anti smoking laws that restrict where smokers can light up. All restaurants are non smoking zones. Even outdoor bus stops are non smoking areas.
Even though cigarette packages have graphic warning signs about the perils of smoking, people still light up.
My brother whom I was very close to died of cancer caused by his smoking habit. It was a terrible painful death that even heavy doses of morphine couldn't squelch. Finally in grave pain his body succumbed. That picture alone stays with me. Smoking sucks...and Kills!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Do you have ringing in the ears? I personally know people who have it occasionally and one who has it continuously for years. It's driving that person nuts!

Treating tinnitus is incredibly difficult. Often, the only symptom that the sufferer experiences is a ringing, buzzing, or high-pitched squealing in the ears. There’s often no inflammation or other signs that can tell a doctor what’s wrong, so treatments end up consisting of trying different remedies. It’s far from the best system, but, considering all of the reasons why tinnitus can present itself; it’s often the only way to go.

There are some major causes of ear tinnitus:
Ear ringing is often associated with age-related loss of hearing. Ear infections, head and neck injuries, dental and head surgeries, and disorders such as multiple sclerosis, thyroid disorder, vitamin B12 deficiency, and lyme disease are some of the causes of ringing in the ears.
Also the following can be causes of Tinnitus:
-Sinusitis and Allergies
-Repeated exposure to loud noise.
-Stress or Trauma
-Meniere's disease

How does one treat tinnitus? Well first off get professional medical advice. Your doctor is a good place to start.

In some cases the following can help with the symptoms of tinnitus.
Garlic, Gingko Biloba, Hawthorn berries, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and a diet geared towards anti inflammatory.
Since tinnitus can be debilitating do your research. Doctors often don't have the answers so check with naturopaths, homeopathy practitioners and research the Internet. Find what works for you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mask it!

I know this sounds weird to say mask it but it makes sense. Today I saw a lady enter the bus wearing a surgical mask over her mouth. At first I thought "man is she weird" but after some consideration I thought she was actually pretty considerate. She probably had a cold or flu and didn't want to pass it on to others. So just Mask it!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Over 25 years ago I developed sinusitis. I originally thought I had a summer cold but I ended up having seasonal allergies which made my nose run like a faucet or be plugged up like Hoover Dam.
Anyone who has sinusitis knows just how debilitating it can be.

Back then I made the mistake of overusing the nasal spray called Dristan. What happened was as soon as my nose was getting clogged I sprayed Dristan. Well overuse of this type of nasal spray causes the mucus membranes to weep more mucus and the cycle continues, even gets worse. I want to be fair to Dristan nasal spray. Using it according to directions it works fine, just don't use it longer or more often than directions indicate.

Well in the summer of 2006 I had a real bad bout of allergy attacks. Pollen was everywhere. My nose ran like a faucet and my eyes swelled and teared so that I couldn't drive. I went to my doctor and begged for some prescription relief. Instead of strong antihistamine tablets I was prescribed PATANOL eye drops and NASONEX nose spray. What a God send these two were. My allergies and sinusitis came under control in less than two weeks and with no side effects!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Kidney Stones (part two)

The causes of kidney stones seems to still be allusive to the medical profession. They can determine what the content of the stone is but aren't too helpful in preventing the stone from developing. My research on the Internet along with looking into naturopathic journals had given some answers as to why kidney stones develop.Phosphoric acid which is found in Cola pops including diet Colas is a culprit in the development of some kidney stones. Also a high protein diet can be a cause in the development of kidney stones.I found in my research that drinking cranberry juice us not only good for the bladder but also good for the kidneys. Drinking lemon juice first thing in the mornings also helps get the digestive system going and helps wash out the kidneys.

Kidney Stones (part one)

My doctor described kidney stone pain as the equivalent to a woman giving birth. Well I can personally attest that it is extremely painful. In fact the pain was so great that heavy doses of Tylenol 3 didn't make a dent! I was fortunate that Vancouver General Hospital has an Acute Kidney Stone clinic. This clinic uses a Lithopriper kidney stone crusher. This machine is used to target and crush the stone(s) using sonic waves. It is less invasive and quick and i found the Lithopripsy treatment to be quite pain free. But afterwards passing the fragmented stones was extremely painful. But once this was done less than 6 hours later I was pain free and on the road to recovery.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Are you having indigestion on a regular basis? Make sure to let your doctor know. What I do is take Apple Cider Vinegar tablets. It helps with our stomach acid to quickly digest our food. As we age our bodies produce less stomach acid. Since stomach acid is necessary to digest our food, less acid isn't good. Unfortunately doctors often recommend ant-acids when our bodies need the acid to breakdown our foods.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is finally getting its due. Doctors are recognizing that it's not just something to add to milk so we can get the sunshine vitamin during the grey winter months. Vitamin D helps us before and during a cold. Best used regularly in conjunction with vitamin C. Adding Cold FX also helps along with C and D. Happy and healthy winter to all!